Diligent Students

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How To SURVIVE One WHOLE Semester As A KO or PKO

Hey! New semester is starting this 1st January,.. or 2nd in some lucky places (lol)

If you're an IPG student, I'm pretty sure there'll be a new Ketua Opsyen and a new Penolong Ketua Opsyen elected for this new semester. Am I right?

Well, if you happen to be elected or foolishly volunteered for it without knowing the hell you're getting in to (that's me, last semester) this guide is for YOU.


(I did survive...barely sane though)

ASSALAMUALAIKUM! (Tak jawab dosa!)

Firstly, if you get yourself ELECTED, TURN IT DOWN. Give all kinds of excuses you can give; sakit perut, nenek sakit, migrain, berak tak lawas (tak relevan langsung) because the point is, being a KO or PKO is NOT an EASY TASK.

Secondly, if somebody else (even your little sister) get elected, DONT be a HERO AND VOLUNTEER YOURSELF (I'M TALKING TO YOU, KATNISS!)

If you can't help yourself but to be a KO PKO,... Then here's some last tips on keeping you alive at the end of the semester.


1. Have ALL your teaching lecturers' phone numbers. They're DEAD IMPORTANT. You're gonna have to call them to confirm the class and the venue, to ask for class replacement(if they happen to miss their class previously), ask for EXTENSION DATE FOR ASSIGNMENTS <--- MOST IMPORTANT (lol), inform them if there is any program that makes it impossible for you and your classmates to attend the class, and stuffs.

2. Have ALL of your classmates' phone numbers so that you can inform them about ANYTHING! (class cancelled (yea!) , change of classrooms, assignment due date, official program by maktab, etc. etc.

3. This one's optional but it helps to CUT DOWN your TOPUP COSTS SIGNIFICANTLY (to zero). Buy a new sim card SPECIAL for class and class only. This sim card will be handed down to another KO another semester until you graduate. Since this sim card is for class only, you can CLAIM your TOPUP money at your treasurer. See, no budget at all! HAHAHAHA (evil laugh) But of course, if you dont have a dual sim card phone, you're gonna have to buy another cheap VERY CHEAP phone (and use treasurer's money also! Your treasurer is very RICH, but his richness depends on your classmates' willingness to pay money for class expenditure of course. haha)

4. Have a copy of the timetable anywhere you go, especially staff's room. Your lecturers MOST DEFINITELY want to see that to arrange his/her future class everytime you go there. Saving it in your phone is recommended

5. Have a copy of the classroom usage timetable (its a timetable where you can see which class is used and which is not)  everytime you go to class. This way, if you want to change your class to somewhere air-conditioned, you can refer to the timetable if there is any class using that class. If there isnt, then just go! yeaaay but make sure the class doesnt need special permission to access like the Language Lab, LDP rooms, etc. You can get this timetable through your LMS IPG site. But you need to sign up first and make sure dont lose the password, bcause if you do, nanti kena denda! If you happen to be Akmal or Nisya, here's the link http://www.lms.iptho.edu.my/ but there's something wrong with the site at the moment but i dont know if they change the address or anything.

6. Confirm the class and venues with the lecturers A DAY BEFORE and inform to your classmates right after. You dont want to be waking up with showers of SMS and phone calls from your lecturers and classmates (been there done that for the whole semester and it's frikkin irritating. Makes you have a bad mood for the whole day!!!) It's annoying for your classmates too to have to call you early morning to know which class is where (i think i know how you feel my dear classmates im so sorry.)

7. Have a STICKY NOTE/ or write memo on your phone EVERYTIME a lecturer gives you a certain instruction. It's EXTREMELY helpful when you have a frequent random memory loss or just simply short-term memories (I DO) Check your phone or your sticky note once in a while to keep track of what you need to do.

8. If you're not a multi-tasker, make a MENTAL PREPARATION to. Every time every day until the end of the semester your head will be filled with list of what you need to do. It makes you less focus in class (and even in conversation too in extreme cases.) so be prepare for it.

9. You will not be able to lepak with your friends most of the time. You'll have to go to staff room to do this and that during most of your no-class time (Extremely true during the start and end of semester. Sucks!) Things will get worse if you have a lecturer who ask you to do anything like, for example WRITING A BLOG FOR HER. YES, HER. YOU-KNOW-WHO.

lol. sorry about that.

10. You'll get SWEATY. MOST OF THE TIMES. This is not a minor problem especially if you have a body odour problem .Please for the sake of the people around you, spray whatever deodorant/perfume you have.

11. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TEXT OR CALL LECTURERS AT NIGHT. Especially yang cerewet and bajet semua betul. Trust me, you dont want to get nagged by her, again, HER. The one starts with F tu. Paham2 lah sape. Lol wat. But if the lecturer is the cool type call him/her anywhen you want but not late at night lah kau ni pun.

12. Make a mental list of which lecturer you dont want to mess up with. With those lecturers, be as nice as you can. Period.

13. Do NOT be shy to ask for EXTENSION FOR ASSIGNMENT. Please, in behalf of every ipg students in Msia, dont be shy for it! EXCEPT to the lecturers you've figured out who in 12. HAHA. You dont want to mess up with them.

14. Make a group in FB for your class. Its the easiest way to deliver any kinds of announcement (Save your topup cost). But make sure you tell the important stuff through SMS. because maybe your classmates dont check their fb frequently,.. so yeah.


1. DONT, DONT DONT EVER FORGET TO ASK FOR SIGNATURE everytime class ends. It'll be problematic at the end of the semester where you need to make sure the credit hours is enough. If it's your first time and you barely know the lecturer, be as polite as you can. Eventually he/she will like you :)

2. Pass up the attendance book on Friday/Thursday (before weekend holiday) to HEP.

3. Fill the weekly and monthly attendance form and pass it up to HEP. I dont know what happens if you dont (well nothing happen actually. Anati NEVER fill this form) but be a good girl/ boy and fill it anyway.

4. Arrange class replacement with lecturers. Make sure if there is any presentation/written work/assignment needs to be done on certain class, dont 'forward' the class (as in makes the class earlier than it should be). There will be some people in your class who're not ready for it, well mostly, they dont.

5. Keep track of credit hours count. MAKE SURE THEY'RE ENOUGH by the end of sem. If there arent enough, refer number 4.

6. BE NICE and MANJA (lol) to your lecturers to get 'on paper' signature.

7. If you see that KO looks like he is about to commit suicide, help him/her with anything you can help. They're on the verge of death!

To both KO and PKO, please have tolerance and give and take to each other. Dont fight or argue. It'll make matters worse. Dont end your valuable friendship just because of the workloads or stress you're having. Most importantly, just because you're the KO doesnt mean that you can order your PKO like a slave. And PKO, please help your beloved KO anytime he/ she needs you.

If you feel regretful or scared to be a KO PKO next sem, please dont be. I'm just kidding to scare you guys. Of course you're going to survive the semester! It's not so bad but it's not very good too. So-so. Look at all the awesome stuff you can get being a KO PKO:

1. Certificate. Extremely important for posting application.

2. Close to the lecturers. You will know that those garang lecturers are not so garang outside class after all. They might be your friends too! Not to mention, you will get to indulge yourself in the attention they give you everytime you enter the staff room. They will tease you and greet you and smile at you. It's AWESOME to be close to the lecturers. But of course, you need to be friendly and polite to them.

3. And when you're close to the lecturers what do you get ? GOOD GRADES. I dont know if my grades are affected by being a KO, but i know a certain person who did have good grades because he's a KO, it depends on your lecturers' kindness actually.

4. You'll get to know how to handle stress and workload. Extremely helpful once we become real teachers in the school. New primary school teachers get 'bullied' a lot by senior teachers. So, be prepared!

5. Most important part, --> Experience on being a leader.


To be honest, being a KO or PKO is not an easy task. It requires great responsibilities, patience, commitment and all other positive virtues (but most importantly long term memories which I dont have lol)

I want to use this golden opportunity to apologise to all my classmates and my PKO (mostly) for all the mistakes and problems I caused during the whole semester one, both as a KO and as a human being.

Thank you for not bashing me in the face or hack and slash me with a meat cleaver or samurai sword when you realized the class had been cancelled and I dont give a single word about it. It was so careless of me. Will not happen again (of course lah im no longer KO haha)

If you had been a KO or PKO in previous sems, feel free to include any tips I left out in the comments below.

So.. This is all
Bye, assalamualaikum!
Have fun being a KO and PKO! I wish you two good luck and all the best!


  1. setuju sgt ngn ape yg dicakap kat atas nie..haha..akak dah jadi PKO 2x untk pismp sem 1 ngn sem 8..Hahaha..macam2 ragam kita dpt tahu.tp semua itu stu cabaran...sonok sebenarnya jd KO atau PKO...xdalah disaster sgt..cuma mmg $$$ kena mantap untk topup slalu n paling pnting control suara bgn pg kalo lec call ye..hahaha..apepun good luck kpda semua bakal KO n PKO..anggap satu perjuangan untk kita berhadapan dgn dunia pendidikan yg sebenar kat sekolah :)

  2. Lol i'm really impressed with your post! Hilarious! I'm so gonna share this to our ko & pko and the next 'lucky' ko pko. Thanks for the post!!
