Diligent Students

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

First Eclipse Chapter 2 : The Light of Burning Flame

Chapter Two

“Are you sure, Rave? He’s just a kid!”
            In the midst of the silence of the town, sobbing cries of a helpless woman should be clearly heard if it was not the occasional thunderous roar of the sky.
            “He’s not a kid anymore, and you know it. You pampered him as if he is a little baby,” said a masculine voice, sounded so serious and determined with whatever he had decided.
            “So it’s me you blaming? You treated him so harshly! What had gotten into you? Don’t you feel sorry for him?” The woman paused as she sobbed. She took a deep breath and continued, “He’s yearning for a fatherly love! And now you’re sending him away for some life-threatening quest?” Her voice was shaking and trembling, taken over by her emotion.
            “I am not sending him away, Rielda. He’s the only one who can do it! This quest is forbid by the King, so I need to assign someone trustworthy for it. He’ll be just fine, Rielda. I have faith in him and you should, too. Besides, you do know what he’s capable of, right?”
            The cries started to calm and slowed down.
            “I know it’s hard to let him go on such quest, but believe me, he can do it! He’s our only hope.”
            A loud thunder growled in the sky.
            “I need to go now. Good night.”
            Reks heard the set of clanking footsteps walking past his room and down the stairs. Then it was the squeaky sound of the door downstairs before a thud. In fact, he heard everything what had his father and mother talked about, as their bedroom and his were only separated by a wooden wall – except he did not know who they were talking about. If the two did not have any other son he did not know of, then obviously it was him. But his father’s words – He’ll be just fine, I have faith in him, and he’s our only hope – made him almost sure it wasn’t him they were talking about. His father wouldn’t say such things about him, would he? Reks let the thought sank into his mind as he went to sleep.

‘Ding dong ding dong ding dong!’
The bell rang as it usually did. Only this time, it did not end there. The bell was endlessly ringing, its annoying echoing sound was urging everyone to wake up.
            “Shut up, dumb bell!”
            Reks covered his ears with his pillow though he could still hear the rings loud and clear. It was not long before he noticed something was wrong – the only instance the bell will continuously ringing is when – there is an emergency! He hurriedly woke up and looked at the window. He had to squint his eyes as there was bright light escaped through his window – so bright he never had saw before. He could feel heat boiling his room from his open window. He cocked his head out of the window and sought for the source of the light and the heat. He was terrified by what he had seen with his very own eyes – the whole town was burning bright with flames. Thick black smoke was filling the air, filling the town with a foul smell. The houses collapsed to nothing but smoldering rubbles. Townspeople running and screaming for help, and the knights were helping them to evacuate to the castle. To his horror, near the knights were some dark creatures, trying to attack them. Some of the knights tried to fend the creatures off but were ultimately sent flying to the burning rubbles. The creatures seemed vicious and far too powerful for the knights to fight.  He wanted to help, but he was too far away to make it there in time.
            A woman was screaming hysterically from downstairs, awaking Reks from his traumatic state. He immediately knew it was his mother. He jumped out from his bed and grabbed his sword that was leaning against the door. He swung the door open before he climbed on the banister and flew to the floor below, landing with poise just behind his mother. She was standing still in front of the entrance door, trembling and terrified. Suddenly, a loud thud against the door came from the other side and made her fell to the floor. She dragged herself away from the door.
            “Mum, get behind me!” Reks commanded, as he drew his sword and readied his fighting stance. She got to her legs and dashed to his back. “Sorry mum, looks like I’m not in my shining armor like I promised. I’m on my pajamas instead.” Reks said, let out a chuckle.
            He strengthened his stance and gripped his sword harder as the thuds were getting louder and louder, trying to get into the house.

The door smashed to pieces. Reks and his mom covered their faces from the broken door pieces that were flying towards them. Black smoke from the flames was fuming into the house. From the thickness of the smoke, Reks could see a silhouette of a mysterious creature similar to the one he had saw attacking the knights. As the creature crept closer, Reks could see the creature in much horrifying details.
            The creature was nothing like any monster he had encountered before. In fact, none of the monsters he fought looked as vicious, filled with killing desire before, even the Bullzroar. It was black, from horns to tail, even its eyes were pitch black – except its white iris. Its four legs were equipped with a set of five claws each. It had three jaggedly horns; two on the side of the head and one right in the middle. Its edgy, blood-stained teeth were countless and multi-layered. Its tail was like a fish bone, except thousands times bigger and deadlier and had a sharp pointy arrow at the end. But – the deadliest of them all was the countless spikes all over its body, pointing in all directions, waiting to impale you to death.
            The hideous creature curled its body, making it look like a giant black spiky ball.
            The creature rolled itself towards their direction. Just before the creature could impale them, Reks and his mother jumped out of its rolling path and thankfully landed on a soft sofa. The creature rolled past them and crashed the kitchen. It shook its head, trying to regain consciousness after the impact. It tilted its whole body facing towards them and curled itself again. It was going for the second roll!
            “Mum, stand still! On my count to three, you jump to its left and I’m to the right.”
            Reks needed to make sure their timing was precise, fearing that their luck won’t be on their side this time. Furthermore, Reks figured that the creature was able to steer its rolling direction. If they evade too soon, the creature can steer towards them and crush them to death.
            “One, two…. THREE!”
            Reks’s mother did as told and Reks sidestepped to the right side of the giant ball killing machine. As it rolled pass him, he swung his sword straight through the creature using all strength he had. The sword sunk deep into its body and the swing left a wide cut to its body. Some of the spikes broke to pieces as the sword slashed through them.
            The creature crashed to the wall and fell to the floor. Its black bodily liquid was oozing from the cut as it struggled and moaned in pain. A few moments later, it remained silent and lifeless.
            To Reks’s amazement, the creature was slowly sinking into the floor, as if its shadow was a pool of water that drowned its body. Soon the creature sunk completely, leaving no trace except puddles of its black blood on the floor.
            Reks and his mother were shocked to see the strange phenomenon. They had never seen anything like that before. Reks knew he was dealing with something else than just mere monster.
            Reks grabbed his mother’s hand and went outside of the house. He knew it was only a matter of time before the fire swallow the house whole and burn them to crisp. The road outside did not make it easy for them to escape from the deadly sea of flames. The road to their left leading to the Central was blocked by smoldering rubbles and wooden planks of the burning houses. Fortunately that was not the only way to get to the Central. There were roads from the East and West Wing of the town that leads to the Central. Reks peeked through a small opening from the rubbles. He could still see from afar that the east’s road to the Central was still accessible while the west’s was filled with numbers of the ferocious dark creatures.
            Both of them had to take a detour to the East Wing of the town and pass the Central before they can head to the castle. They have to get to the castle as it had always been the safest and nearest place for the townspeople to go if there were any case of emergencies.
            Reks and his mother ran through the East Wing of the town using back alleys instead of the main road, fearing that they would come across the creatures. As they were running, Reks heard screaming and crying voices not far from them. A screeching voice and a sound of metal clanking were heard not long after. Reks sought for the source of the noise before he saw a fellow knight swinging his sword to a black creature in front of a group of women and children.
            Just before the creature could claw the knight, Reks appeared in front of him and blocked the attack just in time. Reks slashed the claws and manage to break some to pieces. The creature was in excruciating pain and left vulnerable. The knight and him took the chance and lunged towards the creature. Their swords stabbed deep into its chest. The creature fell to the earth with a crash, sprawled to its death.
            Just like the one in Reks’s house, the creature sank into the ground, slowly disappearing.
            “What is this thing?” The knight had the same expression of when Reks first saw the phenomenon.
            “One thing for sure is that this is not just some monster.” Reks replied, shrugging his shoulder.
            The cries of the women and the children had calmed. Only sobs were audible every once in a while. The women were hugging one another as they wiped their tears and comforted the children. Reks’s mother joined them. They were all terrified and traumatized. A few minutes ago they were sound asleep on their warm and comfy bed. But now, they were on the run for their lives, trying to survive both the burning fire and the bloodthirsty creatures, freezing in the night.
            One of the children approached to them.
            “Thank you, mister,”
            “You’re welcome, boy. Don’t you worry, it’s our job to keep you safe from dangers.” The knight tousled his hand on the boy’s hair. “Reks, can you bring them to the castle? I need to check out the town to see if there are any survivors.”
            “Yes, sir. Please be careful.”
            “Thanks for your help.” The knight smiled and ran into the town opposite of his direction.
            Reks led his mom and the group of survivors further west of the town, heading to the Central. It was not an easy trip as Reks had to fight the creatures that were lingering around the town and in the same time protecting the survivors.
            After a few turn in the corners and got to a wrong direction, they finally arrived at the Central. Reks decided that they should take a short rest after the breathless and endless run. Reks whimpered and panted, trying to catch his breath. By his instinct, he shifted his sight over his left shoulder, to the west entrance. It was dark as it was overshadowed by the shades of the building surrounding it. He could see movement in the darkness, as if something was emerging from the ground. He tried to squint his eyes, hoping that it would help him to see the darkness better from the distance. When Reks had realized what it was, it was already too late – countless of the mysterious creatures had emerged from the ground and it was now approaching to their direction.
            “Quickly, everyone! To the castle!” Reks commanded, signaling his hand towards the pathway leading to the castle. Everyone was terrified to see the approaching creatures as they raced to the castle’s gate. Reks trailed behind his mother. The two Royal Escendria Knights guarding the gate were ready to close the gate as soon as they passed through it. Everyone had but Reks and his mother.
            “Mum, you go first! Don’t worry about me!” Reks said as he was trying to release his hand from his mother’s grasp.
            “But Reks -!” His mother held his hands tighter, not wanting to let him go.
            “Trust me, Mum! Didn’t you say that I should be a hero, protecting this kingdom?”
            “But, Reks…”
            Tears trickled down her cheeks as she slowly loosened her grip on Reks’s hand. She reluctantly turned away, stepping up the stairs one after another and ran passed through the gate. She did not bear to look back to her son and the creatures that were approaching. She continued running while she wiped her flooding tears; tears of fear that she will never see her son ever again.
            “What are you standing there for? We’re closing the gate! Come on up here unless you want to be swatted like a fly by those things!” One of the royal knights yelled.
            Reks turned away from them, facing the creatures that were coming to their direction. He gripped his sword harder as he readied his fighting stance.
            The two knights looked at each other, their eyes wide opened.
            “What do you think you’re doing down there? Trying to get yourself killed?”
            “Even we, the experienced royal knights won’t be too bold to fight those things! Now let’s just get to the castle before they crush us all” The other said as he was going down the stairs.
            Reks clenched his teeth. “There are too many! I’m afraid it’s either we kill them here, or they’ll crash the gate and kill us all – the women, the children, the elderly, the King!” Reks refused to listen and strengthen his stance instead.
            “I think he’s right, Norman. I don’t think the gate manage to stand against them.” The knight’s hand gestured to the creatures that were now flooding the Central. The colourful gardens of flowers looked like a black ocean. The clock tower that once stood out in the middle of the Central could be hardly seen.
            “There’s no way we can do this, Paran!  It’s impossible!”
            Reks glanced angrily to the two knights behind him. “Impossible or not, dead or alive, kill or be killed, to the last drip of my blood, I shall protect this kingdom and its people! You call yourself a knight when you are too scared to hold your sword? Get up and fight!” Reks shouted. His eyes were burning with fire.
            Both of them were taken aback to hear what he had said. His words hit them hard. Although they hated to admit it, everything he said was right. They claimed themselves as royal knights but they don’t even have enough guts to hold their swords. All they had ever done was standing in front of the gate, pretending they were protecting it. That was what they were proud of the whole time. They had been guarding the gate for too long that they forgot how to fight and were scared to.
            “I don’t know about you, Norman but I’m fighting alongside this kid.” Paran unsheathed his sword and get on his position.
            “Too scared to hold your sword? Give me a break, boy.” Norman swung his sword to the air and get to his stance beside Reks.
            Reks’s words of wisdom had finally knocked some sense on their heads. Although three people were barely enough to fight the countless creatures, it was better than him to fight alone.
            The trio paced carefully heading to the approaching creatures – their swords were ready to kill. Soon the creatures were only a few feet away from them. One of the creatures flew out of the crowd and sprawled onto them. Had they not evade it one moment earlier, they would be splattered, crushed from the impact. The creature had a rough landing and struggled to get back up on its feet. The three of them surrounded the creature before launching several swings with their swords. The creature moaned before it remained still on the floor.
            “One down, many more to go!” Paran said as he pulled out his sword that sunk deep in its body.
            “Don’t put your guards down!” Reks commanded.
            The three of them charged to the sea of black creatures. They slashed and swung their sword sideways, ups and downs, and any other directions possible to the creatures. While doing so, they kept an eye to what was coming to their direction – the claws, the jaws, and the whipping tails. They jumped, crouched and blocked as they saw them coming. It was too crowded that every attack they evaded hit the other creatures. One of the creatures did the rolling attack but it crushed its own friends instead of them. Unfortunately some of the attacks were too fast that they were cut and bleed.
            They were constantly charging forward that they did not realized they were already in the middle of the Central. Before they knew it, the creatures were surrounding them, gnarling their teeth and readying their claws as if they were saying: “You don’t have anywhere to go but our tummy!”
            The helpless knights stood back to back, trying to protect each other. They grasped their swords tighter although deep down in their heart they knew they couldn’t make it. The creatures did not seem to be any less than before but their strength was. Their morale was down, but they forced their body to keep on standing to fight, despite that they were gravely injured. They were trembling and shaking for they knew what would their fate be for the next few minutes.
            “I’m glad I could fight alongside you, Paran.”
            “You too, Norman. Reks, we are really sorry for whatever we had done to you. Thank you. If it wasn’t for you, we would not be able to stand up, fight and die for our kingdom!”
            “No one’s going to die, Paran. We’re going to defeat them all here, get back to the castle, and tell to the people our victory!” Reks said, trying to raise their morale.
            “Bring it on!” Paran and Norman shouted as loud as they can.
            The creatures surrounding them curled themselves up, forming a ring of human-impaling spiky balls.
            “On second thought, don’t bring anything on, please?” Norman, as well as the other two was terrified.
            The three knights were sure now more than ever that they were going to die. There was no way they could escape that! The creatures rolled towards them. The surrounding ring was getting smaller and smaller, trying to crush whatever standing in it. Reks closed his eyes, not wanting to witness the horrifying scene of his last moments of life.
            A bright luminous light suddenly beamed into the air. It was so bright that it escaped through Reks’s closed eyelids. He slowly opened his eyes to see what had happened, but everything was bright and white he could not even see his own hands.
            “What’s going on?” Norman asked, frightened.
            “I don’t know, I can’t see a thing!” Paran said
            “Maybe it’s light from heaven! I think we are all dead!”
            Soon the miraculous light slowly faded. The white colour of the surrounding slowly turned darker and darker as it was before. As their eyes had adjusted to the fading colour of the radiant light, they could see their surrounding sharper and clearer. They could see the clock tower, the flower gardens, the burning houses, the mighty castle – everything except the creatures. The creatures that were flooding the Central a few minutes ago were nowhere in sight. It was either their eyes were playing trick on them or the creatures had just magically disappeared.
            Reks could see a silhouette standing at the west entrance of Central. He was holding a sword on each of his hands. The silhouette became clearer as he was walking closer towards them, out of the shades of the buildings and into the sunlight.
            The two knights behind Reks stood straight and saluted as they recognized who it was.
            “Knight Master Rave!”
            The castle’s basement although it was as large as the castle, was crowded with people. The townspeople were evacuated there for safety. It was the safest place for the townspeople to go if there were any cases of emergencies – earthquakes, fires, natural disasters, monster attacks but not the most pleasurable place to stay. You can hear children screaming, women crying, men fighting, elderly folks snoring and farting. The foul stench of blood and smoke filling the air was unbearable.
            At the corner of the basement was an enclosed room equipped with small beds. It was a medical room to treat sick and injured people, handled by a team of medical experts known as Medic.
            Reks rested his head on a pillow. The bed he was lying on was not as comfortable as the one he had in his room, troubling him from sleeping. A female Medic was treating his wounds and injuries, applying antiseptics and bandaging them. He only had several cuts and bruises, very lucky compared the other two royal knights who suffered fractured legs and torn muscles.
            Aside the hard bed and the itchy wounds he had, something kept him from resting. His head was puzzled with riddles. What was that light? Where did it come from? Was it from his dad? Was it his dad who made the creatures magically vanished? What are those creatures? What do they want? Why did they attack the town and the castle?
Reks had a strong belief that the light came from his father – or specifically the sword. His father was holding both of his swords when he saw him. He had always carried the two swords everywhere he goes, but it was the first time he had ever seen his father drawn that sword. The sword with the dark blue metal hilt and a shiny sun-shaped gold attached to where the hilt joined the blade. Reks drew the sword from its sheath before when he was a kid and saw the stunning details of the blade. The blade was white and shiny as if it was made of fine crystal. He could clearly see his own reflection from the blade. The base to the tip of the blade was engraved with ancient text that can only be translated by the Oracles. Its edges were sharp that he almost cut his finger just by touching it. Ultimately, as Reks drew the sword, it was glowing bright blue. Reks believed that the sword hold some kind of magical power that he could never fathom.
            “Are you done resting, Reks?” His father’s sudden appearance shocked him.
            “D-dad? I’m sorry. I was just getting my wounds treated. I didn’t mean to slack off or anything.” Reks got up of the bed quickly.
            “Are you okay?”
            “Um, yes. It’s just minor injuries. Those things barely hurt me. See, I’m fine!” Reks gestured his hands to his body.
            “Great. Here’s your uniform. I got a quest for you. I’ll fill you in the details later. But first you need to tell your mother now. I’ll be waiting right outside of the Castle.” Master Rave walked out of the room.
            As he was excited with his first quest for the past few months, Reks quickly put on the troublesome uniform that his father just brought him. It was probably from the Escendria Knight’s store room since the smell wasn’t too pleasing. As he came out of the medical room, his mother was already waiting, her face soaked with tears.
            “Reks, I thought you’re gone!” Her arms spread and hugged him mercilessly, crying happily seeing her son safe and sound.
            “I’m alright, Mum. Geez, it’s embarrassing.” Reks whispered as he tried to escape from his mom’s deadly clasp, but he failed miserably.
            Suddenly his mom was silent and her embrace loosened. She put her face on his shoulder and cried silently.
            “What’s wrong, Mum?”
            “I’ve only just see you safe, and now he’s sending you on a quest.” She sobbed.
            “You knew?”
            “He told me about it. It’s a dangerous quest, Reks. Please don’t go. Tell your father you don’t want to go.”
            “I can’t, Mum. I don’t want to disappoint him. I’ll be alright, don’t worry. Didn’t you tell me that I’m the strongest man lived on this planet? Nothing can hurt me! Look, I’m fine!” Reks was trying to console his mother, there was no way he would turn down the quest. If he could not impress him, the last thing he wanted to do is disappoint him.
            Reks found his mom’s behaviour rather strange. Usually she would encourage him and ask him to be strong, but now she was crying, hoping that he would not go for the quest. Maybe the quest truly is dangerous, not cut out for him?
            “I’ll be back, I promise.” Reks kissed his mom on her forehead and casted a smile to her. She calmed down but her tears were endlessly flowing from her eyes. Before he went up the stairs to the Castle’s surface, Reks turned to take one last look of his mother. He had a feeling that he would not be able to see her face for a long time.
The Royal Town of Escendria engulfed in flame 




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