Diligent Students

Sunday, December 15, 2013

First Eclipse Chapter One : The Kingdom Of The Sun

Assalamualaikum, hey there!
As promised, here is the first chapter of my try-out-for-fun novel.
If you have anything to say be it your opinion, suggestions, praises, critics, grammar you want to correct, spelling mistakes you discover, please leave a comment below. I'll be more than happy to receive them! You'll be a very HUGE help for me to improve. Thank you so much in advance!

Well, here goes..
Enjoy reading !

Chapter One

Ding dong ding dong ding dong!
            Three sets of rings from a gold crafted bell echoed through the royal town of Escendria. The ringing bell came from a clock tower in the center of the town, automated using gear system so that it rings every hour. Beneath the bell was a giant clock and was showing its short hand to 10 and its long one to 12. It was already time to be awake, but it seemed the townspeople were still in their deep slumber. Windows of houses were still shut, doors locked, shops closed. It looked like the bell was no longer effective to help the townspeople differentiate times – whether to sleep or to wake – especially Reks.
            Reks covered his ears with a pillow, annoyed by the ringing sound of the bell.
            “Shut up, dumb bell!”
            He let out a huge sigh before sitting up while his legs were still sleeping under the duvet. He stretched his body as far as he can while letting out a huge yawn. His neck-length blonde hair looked like as if he was electrified by a lightning, causing them to stand upright. His hair bangs covered half of his forehead. His eyes squinted to the light that escaped through his window just beside his left. He jerked his head out to see the clocktower  to  his left. No way, I’m late!

            “Mom,  why didn’t you wake me up?”
            He yelled, hoping his mom would hear it. When it comes to waking up late, he always blamed it on someone else but himself, and his father, of course. He did not even dare to speak up to his father, let alone blaming him.
            Reks jumped out of the bed to take a quick bath and put on his Escendria Knight uniform. Aside from waking up from bed, putting on his uniform was the thing he hated the most. There were too many things to put on. Firstly, he needs to put on his dark red shirt and black pants. Then, he needs to put on the silver chest armor, and adjust it to his torso until it feels just right, and then there were the pairs of shoulder guards, arm guards, elbow pads, knee guards, metal boots and leather gloves. Lastly was the belt with a sword sheath attached to it which was the easiest to put on until he gained a few kilos.
            Reks looked at the reflection of him in the mirror to see if everything is put on the right place.  A circle with flames branching from it was engraved on the silver chest plate he was wearing, symbolising Escendria Kingdom.  Though he hated the trouble putting on the uniform, he felt a sense of pride and dignity wearing them. He was proud of himself to be one of the knights, serving for the country and all in the same time proving his father his worth.
            He was the youngest amongst the knights. He was 12 when his father signed him up two years ago. The age requirement for one to sign up as a knight was 18 and above, but that was not a problem to Reks as his father was the Knight Master himself. His father was the one who signed him up, regardless of the disagreeing screams and cries from Reks. Reks never wanted to be a knight in the first place, but since his father insisted, there was nothing he could do. Eventually, Reks began to love being a knight. He felt a sense of satisfaction when he fulfilled the townspeople’s quests such as collecting herbs from a mountain, fending off monsters from invading villages, hunt body parts of a monster, or even opening a tightly closed jar of cookies. He felt himself useful and worthy for helping the troubled folks. But that, however, was not enough to impress his father.
            His father, Knight Master Rave was a very strict man, both as a knight and as a father. He treated his knights, who were prepared for the most vicious and disastrous battles against monsters, and his very own and only son, equally. Never had he smirked a smile to his son, nor his knights. Nothing that Reks ever did was able to please him, despite the endless and countless victory stories Reks told every time he completed a quest. Reks, however, never give up trying to impress his father.
            Reks grabbed his sword leaning against the door and stormed downstairs towards the kitchen.
            “Mum, why didn’t you wake me up?” Now I’m late.” Reks said while making a face, hoping it would annoy his mother.
            “Well, honey, you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.” His mum replied. Her hands were busy preparing food in the kitchen, probably for lunch.
            “Have some bread for breakfast, will you?” Her gentle smile and the appetizing smell of his mother’s home baked breads made it impossible for Reks to say no. He grabbed a chair for a seat and had some of her mouthwatering tuna sandwich.
            His mother, on the contrary, was a very gentle and loving mother. She will always be there when he comes back from the quests, preparing him warm food and bed. Most importantly, she would be there when he needed her the most. When he had a bad day from failing a quest or being laughed at by the other knights, or worst, disappointing his father, his mom would comfort and motivate him, so that he grew stronger and stronger to face the hardships and challenges life has to offer.
            “Mum, does dad ever love me?”
            “Sure, of course, Reks. Why do you think he ever let you grow this big? He could have thrown you into the ocean whenever he had the chance to if he didn’t love you.” She replied sarcastically, trying to lighten up the situation.
            “Mum, I’m serious.”
            “Me too, sonny.”
            “Then why? Why did he sign me up for the knight? He hated me so much he wanted me to be eaten by the monsters!”
            “Reks, do you know that being a knight is the noblest thing a man can be? You get to help people in need, now, isn’t that a good deed? Most importantly, you can be a hero! Defending this kingdom from dangers! Every man in this kingdom is dying to be one of the knights. You are so lucky to be admitted by your father at such a young age! No one will get eaten by anything because the way I see it, Reks, you are the bravest and strongest man ever lived on this planet.”
            “Now you are exaggerating.”
            “I’m being honest, Reks. Don’t you want someday when I was in danger , you’d come and save me in your shining armor?”
            “Of course, Mum! I’ll be your knight in shining armor, I promise!” Reks said, enthusiastically.

            It was his mom who encourages him on being a knight. If it were not for her, Reks would not have been the knight he is proud of being today. Reks remembered everything what his mom said to him that day, for they were his source of inspiration and motivation.
            “Did you ask dad what I asked you to?” Reks said, while gnawing his sandwich.
            “I did, honey.”
            “Well, what did he say?”
            “You see, monsters lately had been so aggressive and vicious, what more, after the Lurkel Village incident – made him so concerned about you, so – “
            “In other words, he did not have faith of what I’m capable of. He decided that I should stay in the town instead, and have a sword practice with the Prince.”
            Reks seemed to remember something that he was initially late to –
            “Sword practice! Great! See you later, Mum!”
            Reks churned the last bit of his bread and head to the front door and swung the door open. He turned left of his house towards the centre of the town where the clock tower was. The centre of the town, known as Central, was a large circular opening in the middle of the crowded town. It was decorated with colourful gardens of carnations, roses, tulips and lilies. Beautifully sculptured water fountain surrounded the clock tower, taking the shape of a sun. The water sprinkled from the fountain looked like scattering crystals through the luminous light of the sun. A set of two white pillars erected on each of its three entrances; south, east and west.  The royal town of Escendria Kingdom was beautiful and the Central was its center of beauty.
            The straight road to the north past the Central leads to a long narrow pathway. Along the pathway were two pools of water reflecting the sun, illuminating the path. The path led to a staircase leading to an entrance gate belonged to the gargantuan castle of Escendria Kingdom. The castle was built hundreds of years ago but still remained beautiful and grandiose. The walls were painted gold resembling the sunlight. Five towers soared above the sky magnificently crafted using blue and white colored glasses, reflecting the sunlight to all directions. A sun–shaped gold was attached to the pointy roofs of each of the towers. The breathtaking view of the whole kingdom can be seen from the balcony of the tallest tower; where the biggest golden sun was attached to its roof.
            The sun was the official insignia for Escendria Kingdom. The one and only reason was the curse. The kingdom was cursed with endless days and never-coming night. The sun in Escendria Kingdom neither rise nor set – it remained still and motionless above the sky. The scenery of the sky never changed, like a giant painting enveloping the kingdom. Nobody knew why and how the kingdom was cursed, or since when it all happened. Though a curse was what it was, the blazing sunlight blessed the kingdom with prosperity; rich crops grew throughout the land and the animals grew healthily.
            Reks ran pass through the Central towards the castle. The town was silent and lonely, just like the past few days. There were only a few pedestrians walking on the streets, and shops were mostly closed. Usually at this time the town would be busy, flooding with people doing all kinds of work and business; gardening flowers on their lawn, trading goods with merchants, shopping for groceries, blacksmith forging swords and armors, and the town, especially the Central would be noisy with people greeting each other to have a good day.
            It was either the townspeople were getting more lazy and sleepy, or they were just too scared to leave their houses, given the current situation. Monsters activities were increasing rapidly. Small villages around the town were attacked. The knights sent to the villages were only to add to the number of casualties. The monsters were getting vicious more than ever. Recently, Lurkel Village southeast of the town was wiped out just in one night, no survivor. The knights dispatched to the village were only to watch the whole village engulfed in sea of flames. Fear was spreading to the town, fearing that they would be the next target of the foul creatures.
            Reks passed through the castle gate that was guarded by two Royal Escendria Knights.
            “Lucky kid, when all the knights were dying on the battlefield against the monsters, he’s here, having a sword practice with the Prince.”
            “He’s just a kid, Norman. He could barely step on an ant. Hahaha!”
            Reks could hear them, loud and clear as the knights intended him to. Since Reks was the youngest knight, he had been the laughing stock and the subject of belittlement since the first day he hold the title ‘Knight’. Reks ignored them, just like his mom had told him to and worked hard on his job instead. Eventually, he gained some respect after he slain a Bullzroar menacing a forest before. But Bullzroar was barely enough to impress the whole knight, let alone his father.
            Pass the gate was a large courtyard where Reks and the Prince had their sword practice together. From the distance, Reks could see silhouettes of a boy and a man. They were the Prince and the Knight Master Rave patiently waiting for his arrival.
            “I’m sorry I’m a bit late.” Reks said as he whimpered upon reaching them.
            “Very, very late.” said the Knight Master in his monotonous and cold voice.
            “That’s all right, Master. I have trouble waking up early, too.” said The Prince, trying to save Reks from an hour-long lecture.
            The Prince, Prince Valiant the Fifth was about the same age as Reks. Unlike any other noble kids who were spoilt brats, Prince Valiant was a very polite and kind-hearted boy. He treated everyone equally, regardless of his status as a prince. The people of the kingdom anticipated that he would be a better king than his father. The glowing light on his forehead on the day he was born surely was a good omen.
            “So, what are we going to learn today, Master?” asked the Prince, excitedly.
            “Today you’re going to have a duel with Reks. I want to see what you have learnt so far.”
            “Aww, that’s not fair! Reks’s an expert in swordfighting!”
            “Who says so? He’s just a wimp.”
            Reks let out a sigh to hear his own dad belittle him in front of a prince.
            “Don’t worry, Prince Valiant, I’ll go easy on you.” Reks assured.
            “I appreciate that offer, but I’m tougher than I look, please fight me with all you’ve got.” Prince Valiant smirked.
            “On your stance, boys.” Master Rave commanded.
             Reks and Prince Valiant unsheathed their swords and readied their fighting stance.
            Prince Valiant thrusted his sword instantaneously and caught Reks off-guard. Reks took a sidestep to the right to evade the deadly thrust. Reks took the golden chance he had and swung his sword towards the Prince. Fortunately for the prince, he managed to block the attack but was tottered. Before Reks could land his next strike, Prince Valiant regained his balance and jumped backwards. He charged to Reks and thrusted his sword repeatedly. His timing was off that Reks had no problem evading the attacks. Valiant took a step backwards and jumped to the air. As he dove downwards, his sword was thrusting down towards Reks. Reks did a backflip and successfully evaded the attack. Prince Valiant had a wide opening. Reks jumped over him. He   turned to his back but he was already too late – Reks was already pointing his blade. He stopped his movement and reluctantly raised his hands.
            “Great, I lost again.” The Prince let out a huge sigh.
            The clapping sound of Master Rave’s hands broke the silence. Reks was happy as he thought the round of applause were dedicated to him, before his father said: “Congratulations, Young Master. Your attacks are a bit rushed, but if you time them right, you can attack the enemy off-guard. And make sure you cover your opening as fast as you can after launching an attack.” Master Rave turned to his son and continued his commentary, “As for you Reks, I’m very much disappointed. Instead of evading, you should have blocked thrust attacks. Blocking them leaves the enemy a wide opening, wide enough for you to counter attack. I’m surprised you didn’t know the basics.” Master Rave shook his head. Reks put his head down. Though he won the fight, he still did not impress his father the slightest.
            From afar, a knight was coming out from the castle’s entrance door and was heading towards their direction.
            “I’m sorry to interrupt you Master Rave, but Your Highness summons for your presence.” He said as he saluted the Knight Master as a gesture of respect.
            “I’m sorry, Young Master, I have to go see your father.” Master Rave bowed to the Prince before heading to the colossal entrance door crafted with silver and amethyst. He pushed the door open and slowly disappeared on the other side as the door slowly closed.
            “You did great, Prince!” Reks tried to cheer him up as he realized the Prince’s facial expression was not as sunny and cheerful as before.
            “Are you kidding? I keep on losing to you.” Prince Valiant shrugged it off.
            “Well, I had two years experience but you just started three months ago. Your performance was beyond average for a starter, I’d say.”
            “I envy you, Reks.”
            “What? Why so?”
            “You’re strong and independent, and very good in swordfighting too. Oh, how I wish I can be as strong as you are and protect this kingdom.”
            “Don’t worry, Young Master. It is our duty as an Escendria Knight to protect this kingdom.”
            “Sheesh, Reks. Didn’t I tell you not to call me Prince this, Prince that, Young Master this, Young Master that, just call me Valiant, will you? There’s no need for formality between us. We’re friends, right?”
            “Of course Young – err, Valiant.”
            “You see, Reks, protecting this kingdom – I want to do it by my own hands. I wish I could die protecting it. Look at the kingdom; it’s dying, slowly and surely. What more – the recent monster attacks grew fear in the people’s mind. Now they are too scared to leave their house. They are quivering in fear and hopelessness. I wish I could do something, I don’t want our kingdom to turn into a barren wasteland, just like what happened to Crecienith Kingdom.”            “Valiant, till the last drip of my blood, I shall protect this kingdom and its people, I promise.”
            Prince Valiant smiled upon hearing his vow. Somehow, deep inside his heart, he had faith that Reks will be the one – saving the kingdom from its verge of downfall and calamity.
            “Ah, there you are, Rave.”
            The King’s voice echoed through the great hall, synchronizing with the clanking sound of Master Rave’s metal boots as he paced towards the other end of the hall. White pillars were aligned alongside the red carpet leading to the stage, where the King was sitting on his throne. The King’s head rested on his hand and his body bent over, as he had grown bored and tired from ruling the kingdom day by day. Master Rave bowed down to the King before standing back up as the King signaled him.
            “May I know if you have dispatched your entire knight throughout the land? You see, monsters these days, you can never be sure when they will strike the villages again, do you?”
            The King had a habit of asking two questions at once that made it confusing for someone to answer them both, unless both of them had the same answer.
            “Is it a no to dispatching your knights or is it a no for not knowing when the monsters will strike?” The King sat straight up as the answer given to him was either discouraging him or confusing him.
            “My deepest apologies, Sire, it’s a no to both.”
            “So you haven’t dispatched your knights yet? For God’s sake, what will happen if the monsters attack the villages?”
            “I’ve already sent two third of my knights, and I, in my humble opinion, think it would be wise to leave some to guard this castle and the town below.”
            “But they would not be enough to defend those helpless villages, would they? Why do you think any monsters will attack this castle anyway? Monsters wouldn’t attack a highly populated area, would they?” The King was enraged that he was asking three straight questions at once.
            “Your highness, the castle and you are our top priority now. It’s not impossible that monsters will attack this castle – don’t you remember what had happened to the Crecienith Kingdom?” Master Rave was taken by his emotional feelings that he forgot the courtesy of talking to a King.
            “One fateful night 5 years ago,” A mysterious voice echoed through the hall. “The monsters, without any warning and sign, attacked the royal town and the castle of Crecienith Kingdom. The whole town was ablaze in flames. Countless kids, women, men, and elderly died in vain. The pride of the kingdom – its castle – collapsed as the fire swallowed it whole. The prosperous and wealthy kingdom destroyed in just one night. The Queen of Crecienith became lunatic as his husband died and rules the kingdom tyrannically. The land that once rich with plants and foods is now nothing more than a wasteland roaming with ferocious monster. It was the Black Blood Night.”
            The King and Master Rave searched for the source of the voice.
            “I’m sorry for my rudeness interrupting, but I have news to tell.” A man in a red cape and robe of the same color, holding an old, dusty book on his chest appeared from behind of Master Rave.
            “Oracle Master Ouran!” Master Rave said, shocked.
            “Forgive me, Sire, for I, must say that I agree to the Knight Master. There’s more than possibilities, it’s a probability that the monsters will attack this very castle and the same fate of Crecienith shall befall on us.”
            “Always, Master Ouran, speaking before me without my permission.” The King smiled unwillingly.
            “Your Highness, I plead for we hear what he has to say.” Master Rave pleaded.
            The King nodded as a sign of approval and Master Ouran continued, “If  the monsters planned to attack us, then I’d say there is nothing we can do to stop them now– as this monsters are not just mere monsters, they are now vicious and brutal more than ever .  No ordinary knight can fend against them, what more, we are outnumbered. The monsters are behaving strange in the recent years. Just like you say, Your Highness - monsters seldom attack populated area such as a village, what more – a royal town and its castle, but the Lurkel Village and Black Blood Night incident proved otherwise. Furthermore, monsters that usually travel alone were seen hunting in groups. And to my horror, the recent attacks on the villages seemed to be coordinated and well-planned – as if they are heading to our direction.”
            Master Rave and the King were taken aback upon hearing it. They looked to each other before expressing their frowned expression on their face.
            “What are you getting at, Ouran? The monsters are going to kill us all and we can do nothing about it? Is that it?” Master Rave asked, his voice stern.
            “No, not nothing. There’s one thing, yes, one thing in particular.”
            “What is it that you know, Master Ouran?” The King asked, not in an inquisitive way but ordering Master Ouran to tell him everything he knows.
            Master Ouran lifted his right hand, showing the book he had been holding. The book had a large ‘FIRST ECLIPSE’ imprinted on its hard cover. A man dressed in royal robe and a woman wearing a gorgeous gown holding each other’s hands were illustrated on it. “This may be our only hope.”
            “First Eclipse? That’s absurd! It’s nothing more than just a fairy tale told to children! Are you mad?” The King ridiculed the Oracle Master, not believing that a fairy tale could be their only source of hope and solution to the chaos that was only a matter of time to come.
            “Please, let him continue, Your Highness.” Master Rave bowed down to the King on behalf of Master Ouran. The King reluctantly nodded his head while his mind was filled with disbelieving and judgmental thoughts.
            “If you don’t mind, please let me tell the story of the ‘First Eclipse’,”
            Master Ouran put on his glasses. As he opened the book to its first page, dusts were scattering to the air. His index finger pointed to the first line of the first page, to guide him as he read through the book. The book had a large font and wide spacing in between them. Every page was followed by a page of illustration next to them, to give a better understanding to the readers. The pages were few, but thick and hard as they were made of cardboards. The book seemed attractive and alluring for children to read if it was not written a long time ago and forgotten. Master Ouran cleared his throat and inhaled deeply.           

            “Once upon a time, there was a prince from the Escendria Kingdom named Valarient. He fell madly in love to the princess of the neighbouring Crecienith Kingdom, Emily. It was love at first sight as the prince had a crush on the princess since the day they first met. What the prince did not know was that the princess secretly had feelings towards him too. As they decided to confess their love to each other, a meteor emerged from the darkness of the sky. The meteor struck on the Land of East. Since then, Crecienith Kingdom had never had sunlight bestowed upon the land whilst the sunlight in the Escendria Kingdom never fades. Darkness slowly enveloped the world. Claws and fangs and deathly disease killed many souls. Both kingdoms blamed each other for the curse that befallen upon their land. The two lovers were forced to leave each other”.  Master Ouran paused, turned to the next page and continued: “They lived happily ever after. The end.”
            Master Ouran closed the book, more dusts flew from the pages.
            “What? That doesn’t make sense! Do you skip the pages?” Master Rave asked, puzzled.
            “Some of the pages were torn and missing.”
            “I didn’t care for the missing pages or the silly tale, what does it have to do with our situation?” The King asked in a disgusted manner, as if Master Ouran had done something gross.
            “You should care, Your Highness. The ‘First Eclipse’ is our only hope. It is not just an ordinary fairy tale, it’s a prophecy.”
            Master Rave and the King looked each other, their eyes wide opened, disbelieved.
            “Our recent studies on the tale revealed that it was written a few centuries before the meteor struck Eastern Continent.”
            “So the fairy tale foretold the coming of the meteor….” Master Rave was taken aback.
            “Not just the meteor, the scandalous love between King Valarient and Queen Emily that were recorded in the history, the curse of Crecienith’s eternal nights and our endless days, and ultimately, the claws and fangs and deathly disease that we are currently facing.”
            “The claws and fangs – it must be referring to the monsters- and the deathly disease is probably the mysterious plague that is starting to spread our land. It looks like everything written in the fairy tale had happened accordingly.” Master Rave nodded, agreeing to the Master Oracle’s theory.
            “Precisely, and as you can see, the tale ends with they lived happily ever after.”
            “Does that means – after all this mess, there will be… a happy ending?” Glitters of hope were gleaming in Master Rave’s eyes.
            “Unfortunately, we do not know what conditions of the prophecy need to be fulfilled for the ‘happy ending’. Several pages of the tale were torn and missing.”
            “Aren’t there anyone here who still remember the tale?”
            “Rave, the tale was written centuries before the Meteor and that is centuries of a century ago. No one lived long enough to know about the story.”
            Master Rave gasped. “So what should we do about it? It’s our only hope to end these sufferings.”
            “The original ancient texts of First Eclipse lie somewhere hidden in the Ruins of Rusgerath, Crecienith Kingdom.”
            “C-Crecienith Kingdom? It’s too dangerous!” Master Rave’s eyes wide opened, as if it was about to popped out.
            “It’s a risk we have to take.” Master Ouran’s voice was stern, determined by his decision.
            “Your Highness, we can send the knights to escort Master Ouran there, and then –!” Master Rave said to the King excitedly, hoping he would agree.
            “I can’t believe you’ve come to believe this foolish theory, Rave.” The King said in his cold and serious tone. Master Rave was upset to hear the answer. His eyes that were gleaming with hope dimmed with desperation. Looks like the King was still skeptical to the breaking news.           Master Rave clenched his fist and faced down the earth. It took a while before he dropped his knees to the ground and both his hands right after. He stopped there before continued and laid his head flat to the ground. Even to a king, that was the most shameful thing he had ever done in his life. It hurt his pride, deep and painful that he wished he was never born to have to do it. But he knew his pride was nothing compared to the lives of the people he pledged to protect.
            “This is our only hope, Your Highness. If there is anything that the kingdom needs, it’s hope. Hope is what keeps us alive, looking forward for a better future!” Master Rave pleaded enthusiastically, trying to convince the King.
            It was to no avail. “Don’t waste your knights on such idiocy! Didn’t you say me and the castle are your top priority? I want this Oracle Master thrown into the dungeon at once for clouding the minds of people – especially yours, Rave. You better be grateful that I spared you, unless you want to join him too, do you?”
            “No, Your Highness, my deepest apologies.” Master Rave gave up. He knew he would not help any of the situations if he had been thrown into the dungeon. Plus, he needed to tell the news to someone. He got up on his feet and remained calm although he had just crushed his pride to pieces and it was all worth for nothing. He reluctantly went to Master Ouran. He grabbed Master Ouran’s hands to his back and brought him to the corner of the hall leading to a spiral staircase leading down to the dungeon.
            “Are you telling the truth, Ouran?” Master Rave whispered. He did not want any of the guards in the dungeon to hear him.
            “Of course. You better do something, Rave, or we are all going to regret this.”

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