Diligent Students

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Best Friend Forever? NOPE! You will probably forget each other after a couple of years and things get super awkward.

Okay, right. That (look at the blog entry title) is probably not the smartest title I can think of, but heck, it’s the truth.

Hey, Assalamualaikum.

I think everybody have that best friends forever thingy in their school year, where you and your BFFs gone through ups and downs of what people call bittersweet “rebel stage” of life, together. You had your lunch together, copied each other’s homework, slept over in each other’s house, shared things you both equally love, seeking out each other’s company when you’re sad or in deep loneliness and... well, you get my point. Yeah I’m pretty sure you have at least one in your life.

I see you are starting to picture some faces in your mind.  Yeah, they’re the people I’m talking about.

Yea, it’s sweet, making pinky promise, best friend covenant and all but sadly, it didn’t last long as you thought it would be. Suddenly you realised that the term “Best Friend Forever” didn’t quite meet your definition.

That promise you made on your last day of school together? Yeah the one where you exchange “I’ll never forget you”, “We’ll keep in touch”, and “I will see you later” are just bollocks. The only expression that you both exchanged that remained true to this very day is, “Goodbye.”

Sure, you made your best effort trying to keep in touch. You Facebook them, comment on their status update, retweet, favourite, clicked that heart-shaped button on their photos on Instagram, but that’s it.

Some messages you sent were left unreplied, some calls missed.

And sometimes, it’s the other way around. You’re that person who is too busy to reply your messages, in fact you don’t even bother to see their message whenever you see their names appear.

You never met them anymore. And even if you did, after years of not seeing, growing apart from each other, things are not quite the same.

It’s either you, or them that have changed. No longer the same person you knew. No longer the same person you had spent your entire teenage or childhood years together. Something’s different but you can’t quite grasp what it is. Maybe it’s the way they tie their hair, maybe it’s how they dress, how they talk, the way they no longer keep her attention to you, instead to their handheld devices or boyfriends or girlfriends they brought together on the day you decided to go out with them. You no longer shared the intimacy you once had with their company. Maybe that’s what made you think they’re like a stranger to you, and maybe they are indeed, strangers now.

Slowly, you built invisible, force field wall between you and them.

It’s almost like the blurry images of you and them that were kept deep inside your memory storage part of your brain were implanted by an alien, or an evil scientist that tries to alter your personality and life entirely. 

Only photos you have with them could prove that those memories are real.

It’s selfish and childish to expect after years of separated by time, growing apart from each other, that they are the same person as you once knew them.

People change.
And like any other normal homo sapiens, your best friends change.
And even you change.

Change, may lead to goodness and it may also lead to the vice versa.
Maybe you can adept yourself to the change and use it to brought you closer to them, getting to know them better, start the whole friendship thing anew and fresh.
Or maybe the changes will only lead you further away from them, from the people that you once shared the title “Best Friends Forever”.

Well, it’s sad.
And reality, mostly consists of sad and harsh and evil truths.

Maybe that’s what life is all about.
Meeting new people and be apart from your loved ones, turning strangers to friends, and friends to strangers.

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