Diligent Students

Monday, November 4, 2013

Reading Zest

Hey guys!
Or guy. Singular.
I don't think I have more than one reader (Provided that I HAVE ONE). So, yeah.

Assalamualaikum :)

Guesss whaaaat ? (I'm super excited)
I just bought two new books yesterday. YEAY.


I have waited for so long for The Hobbit. I saw it once in POPULAR but then it vanished so suddenly. ._.
Alas, i finally got in my hands. HAA~ *Angels singing in the skies*
Well, who doesn't LOVE Tolkien's works? His works are too damn amazing.
The fantasy world he created, the amazing Elves and Dwarves race he gave birth to, and the atrocious Goblins and Trolls he awoken. His imaginations gave the readers a new world to dream of.
He was so creative at writing that maybe he could imagine a new colour that never existed before!

This is his first work that I'll READ. I want to buy Lord Of The Rings too, but the only edition available is the one that compiles all the three (Fellowship of The Ring, Two Towers, Return of The King) in one book. Which makes it quite unaffordable (RM89.90 for God's sake!). So basically I just watch them, lol. And the movies were done excellently that made me craving to read it! (One of the few success of book to movie adaptations).

Legolasssssssss! *gasp*
Uh. That was unnecessary.

And.. Ender's Game.
I bought this book probably because of its awesome movie trailer I watched a few days back. So I thought why don't I give it a try? A book has to be SO FREAKIN AWESOME to be adapted to movies, right? Plus, I want that '2nd Book at 50%' discount lol. This will be my first Sci-fi book that I'll read and hopefully it won't disappoint me (I'm not really fond of the genre). And if it's really a FREAKIN AWESOME book, then I hope I won't be disappointed by the movie, lol (Although the trailer seems promising)

Like some movies that I watched. *cough* Percy Jackson *cough*.

Well, I'm not really much of a book person before.

In fact, I never I imagined myself to sit still (or lie on bed) for hours and read a 300+ pages book before.

Until, I decided that I should read MORE. To improve my grammar, writing and lots of other English skills. That was early of this year. So I went to POPULAR ( the one and only shop that I avoided to go when I was 'lepaking' in BPMALL, lol)

It took me a while to choose a book to start reading and it was Percy Jackson : The Lightning Thief (It's my first English novel that I read in my whole 18 years of living, aside from SPM Literature novels.)

The book is well, nice to read ( I'm not really addicted to it, I don't know why).
But upon reading it, I felt like, I wasn't getting enough of it. I WANT MORE. I want to read more books, I want to imagine more, I want to know more wonderful characters, and I want to live in all the worlds and storylines different books tell.

So here I am. From a book-allergic to an enthusiast of fictional novels.
From a bookstore-avoiding-teenager to a frequent window-shopper (not much of a customer, though)

So far I've only read four books (Percy Jackson, Room, The Land Of Stories : Wishing Spell & Enchantress's Returns). I have seven books in total so three more are in progress (It's A Life List and the other two you can guess what are they).

I wish to grow my collections bigger and BIGGER. Like Camilla (my classmate) who loves to read books so much that her room now is not less like a library, LITERALLY. (There's a picture of her room but I don't think it's appropriate to post it here) I'm jelly. I wish I start reading earlier. ._.

But, I don't know. I kind of have this habit; I get bored of something too easily.
For example, I may love reading and books for the time being. But I can't say if this hobby and interest will last long. Maybe in the next few months I'll grow tired of reading and worst, throw away all the books. ._.
Lets hope not.
In the time being, I'll collect as many books as I can, as long as I have this reading zest. :)

My Wishlist:
Lord Of The Rings
Hunger Games 1-3
Shadows Cast by Stars
The Weather Witch
and many more...

I think I have wrote too much.
I should be studying OTL
Oh well.
Adios, Assalamualaikum!

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