Diligent Students

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How It All Began

Hey there!
It's been a while since I entered this class lol (sorry for my laziness)

But now Im back and alive. On a wrong timing! Final sem's exam is just around the corner :D

6th Nov - Language Description (which is basically grammar)
7th Nov - Language Development ( phonetics, reading comprehension, writing)
13th Nov - Literature (need to study To Kill A Mockingbird)
(Dammit. Why LDS and LDV are on two consecutive days? -,-)

It's finally the end of the semester. It felt like only yesterday I've registered as one of IPTHO students, going through orientation week and all.

How did it all began?

Registering to be one of the future teachers of Institut Pendidikan Guru Tun Hussein Onn wasn't exactly a well-planned idea of mine. It happened so sudden and spontaneous.
It all started when I got a call from my mom, when I was lying lazily on my bed, in my room, in Padang Lalang Campus of Universiti Teknologi Mara.

"Acik dapat maktab. Maktab IPG Tun Hussein Onn, yang dekat dengan rumah ni. Acik nak pergi tak?"
There was an awkward silence during the phone call. I didn't know what to answer. So far, my life in UiTM seemed perfect. It's close to shopping malls, I have my best friend there, Lukman, I made a new friend, Khairul, my classmates are friendly and nice, the lecturers are cool. What more do I need? Why should I transfer to maktab? There's a lot of uncertainty there. Will I have friends there? Are the lecturers nice?  What about the seniors? The food? The facilities? The rooms? Who's gonna be my roommate?

"Acik tak nak la. Dah selesa kat sini"
I was expecting my mum to convince me to go for maktab, since it's close to home and all but she answered,
"Kalau macam tu tak pe la. Ibu ikut acik je. Ni kan masa depan acik."
I was taken aback upon hearing her answer. I didn't expect that. For the first time in my life, I got the chance to decide something BIG for my life.

That three minutes-or-so phone call troubled me. At first I tried shrugging it off. But lastly it got the better of me. I asked Lukman on his opinion. As his only best friend, I was hoping he would beg on his knees, pleading that I shouldn't go. But he didn't. Instead, he told me that I should go. He told me the bliss of having a handsome allowance transferred in my bank account monthly, he told me the clarity of my future - being a teacher, he told me the ease of studying in a place close to home, he told me the leisure of not having to suffer sitting on MUET exam, he told me EVERY reasons there are for me to leave UiTM and go for IPG.

At first I thought he just wanted me to go because of our fight a few days earlier, or he was just joking around. But I figured that what he said was right. Every single one of it. But still, I'm still on the edge of the ledge and needed one tiny little push for me to be truly sure to move to IPG. Then I asked my lecturer. And to my disappointment, she gave the same answer Lukman gave me.

I thought about it for some time.

Institut Pendidikan Guru - a place for training you to be one of the best teachers in school. And teaching had always been my loved profession. The only reason I took TESL in UiTM was so that I could teach. But that was not certain. I need to have good pointer to continue taking TESL for my degree program. Otherwise, I'll end up taking courses that was not related to my desired ambition. On the contrary, the first day you registered yourself as an IPG student, you are destined to be a teacher. Your future are safely secured. And then I noticed - getting this offer was a blessing from God. He gave me the nearest place for me to continue studying. He gave a safe, secured future as a teacher. He gave me the wealth by having allowance for my studies. And only a fool would turn over this God's blessing.

I called my mum. I asked my brother to fill all the online registry forms that day. I bought ticket and the next day I knew, I was going back. To Batu Pahat. To move to IPG.


Oopps. I guess our period is over. See you later. Adios, assalamualaikum!


  1. Good grief Hakim , you story just reminded me of myself here in Intec . A good Decision is vital for our future Indeed . I'm sure that the decision that you had make somehow will give advantages to you (Allah knows best for us rite?) . So Gudluck for your future and be a great Teacher like GTO hahaha (jk) :1
